Belajar dari Kompleksitas Pandemi COVID-19

Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan pelajaran berharga bagi umat manusia. Berbagai aspek kehidupan terguncang akibat adanya pandemi COVID-19.

How can Transdisciplinary approach help us understand the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic? What is the relationship between accommodating multiple realities and navigating the uncertainty implicit in complexity? What are Transdisciplinary attributes required to shape resilience thinking in the face of socio-ecological crisis? Why is system transformation a must towards sustainability?

Let’s explore these questions through my latest publication with Center For Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS) and IPB Press. Together with other writers consisting of scientists/researchers and activists, we dissect the complexity of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia using Transdisciplinary lens.

This book offers a holistic analysis based on empirical findings and empathy with various topics on health & biology, agrarian & food systems, social inclusion, political economy, regional autonomy, and digitalization. Find the interrelationships of the articles in this book as input for developing adaptive strategies for interpreting and dealing with wicked problems.

Stay tuned for upcoming news about the book launching event!

#complexity #sustainability #transdisciplinarity #systemsthinking #systemtransformation #empathy #interconnectedness

source: Yulia Sugandi


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