Alessia Carabelli from Italy. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and currently in the final year of my Master’s program in Environmental and Food Economics in Milan, Italy. During my academic career, I also studied for a period in Germany and the Netherlands. Passionate about sustainable economics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Currently working on my thesis in the field of Food Security and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
I am currently in Indonesia as a vising student to gather additional information related to the topics of sustainable agriculture and food security. Food security is one of the major challenges facing Indonesia. Many Indonesian farmers are smallholders who still rely on local agricultural knowledge. However, these traditional practices are gradually disappearing due to external pressures and the widespread adoption of high-input agriculture. Consequently, I am here to engage with experts and connect with local communities to gain a deeper understanding of what traditional agricultural knowledge means to them and to gather their perspectives on this issue. CTSS (Center for Transdisciplinary Study of Sustainability) is the perfect place for its transdiplinarity approach.
The decision to come to Indonesia is the result of various factors:
– My study experience in the Netherlands, a country with strong ties to Indonesia.
– During my work experience at Humana People to People Italia, a nonprofit organization, I had the opportunity to become involved in an exceptionally interesting community garden project. This experience led me to investigate further the topics related to sustainable and community agriculture, as well as food security.