Eko Heri Supriadi

Eko saat ini berperan sebagai Head of Research and Development Head-up Display di Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd. Ia memiliki ketertarikan terhadap lingkungan dan keberlanjutan, humanity and social enterpreneurship serta teknologi. Ia pun memiliki pengalaman di sektor industri elektronik.


Sunarto merupakan wildlife and landscape ecologist di Permian Global. Ia juga menjadi research associate di  Research Center for Biodiversity, Institute for Sustainable Earth and Resources (ISER), Universitas Indonesia. Sunarto memiliki berbagai pengalaman di bidang wildlife dan ekologi lanskap. Tidak hanya itu, Sunarto turut menjadi Co-founder pada Forum HarimauKita, Perkumpulan Gajah Indonesia, SCB-Indonesia Chapter, dan Yayasan […]

Rhino Ariefiansyah

Rhino Ariefiansyah is a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Anthropology at Universitas Indonesia. He has degrees in Cultural Anthropology from Universitas Indonesia and in Arts and Politics from SciencesPo, Paris. Rhino is interested in human ecology, environmental and climate change, and migration.

Kaustubh Deshpande

I am a Mechanical Engineer with Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management. I started as a Junior Research Assistant at IIT Bombay and have grown and got experience in Design, New Product Development, Green filed Project Management, Complex Program Management in Aerospace and Automotive domains. I Headed a Business Development function for Automotive Tier-1 company […]

Medria Kusuma Dewi Hardhienata

Medria is a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Indonesia. She completed her Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science IPB University. In 2015, she completed her PhD in Computer Science at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Canberra, Australia. Her PhD thesis investigates the role of  […]

Eko Cahyono

CTSS-Eko Cahyono

Mr Eko Cahyono now Senior Researcher and Trainer at Sajogyo Institute (SAINS), Executive Directure at Sajogyo Institute (2015- Feb 2018) Bogor. Assistant Lecturer in Department of Community Development and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology Faculty, IPB University of Bogor (IPB) – West Java- Indonesia. He as a rural sociology background, especially on agrarian and […]

Yuli Suharnoto

CTSS- Yuli Suhartono

Yuli has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of hydrology, irrigation, drainage, geohydrology, water resources assessment, and geographic information system (GIS). Over the years, Yuli has been involved in many projects concerning water resources mapping and evaluation of national/sub national importance, either sponsored the Government of Indonesia or foreign donors. Yuli has also […]

Hans Harmen Smit

CTSS-Hans SMith

Hans has worked since 2008 on sustainable production/sourcing of agro-commodities in Asia South/Central America and Africa. In his work he focused on the development and implementation of: – Planning tools for sustainable land use planning and green growth strategies – Training programmes for smallholder farmers on increasing productivity, improving institutional development and reducing environmental impact […]

Fakhrizal Nashr

CTSS-Fakhrizal Nashr

Fakhrizal are CEO of PT Permakultur Lanskap Berkelanjutan Indonesia (PLAN B) in the field of Natural Resource Economics and Sustainable Development. He has a Yayasan Komunitas Belajar Indonesia based on Berau District and Yayasan Anak Kampung Cimande on Bogor.   Fakhrizal also competence on Prospective facilitation and ecological socioeconomic research with a focus on natural […]

Dr. Huub Muude

CTSS-Huub Mudde

Dr. Huub Mudde is Senior Project Consultant and Assistant Professor at Maastricht School of Management. Dr. Mudde directs several multi-year education and research programs and the MSM representative office in Ethiopia. He is a team leader and an expert in several agribusiness projects in Indonesia, Palestine and Ethiopia, and was responsible for several leadership and […]