Selected Abstract

Topic 1 - Resilient Agriculture: Ecosystem Approaches to Enhancing Food Security and Rural Livelihoods

Topic 2 - Integrated Carbon Farming into Community-based Climate Action Planning and management

Topic 3 - Sustainability on Rice Sector Governance and Stakeholder Engagement

1. Optimizing Social Economic Factors Which Affect Food Security to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)

Muhammad Yamin, Siti Ramadani Andelia, Henny Purnama Gultom, Nurilla Elysa Putri, Meitry Firdha Tafarini

2. Consumer Preference towards Fortified Rice in Myanmar

Chan Myae Lwin, Orachos Napasintuwong, Jens Rommel, Suwanna Praneetvatakul

Topic 4 - Resilient Agriculture: Ecosystem Approaches to Enhancing Food Security and Rural Livelihoods

Topic 5 - Community-Based Approaches to Building Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods

1. Traditional Fire Use by The Indigenous People in Wasur National Park Merauke

Kushartati Budiningsih, Dodik R Nurrochmat, Meti Ekayani, Agung Wibowo, Fitri Nurfatriani

2. Pursuing Underlying Values: A Community Value-Based Approach to ‘Hijau Manise’ Greening Program in East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara

Astrid Nurfitria Ramadhani, Nurul Iman

Topic 6 - Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies through Ecosystem-Based Approaches

1. Comparison of Carbon Storage Potential for Teak (Tectona grandiss) and Rubber (Hevea braziliensis) Stands in Instiper Research Area Lemah Ireng Ungaran Central Java

Siti Maimunah, Sushardi, Rawana, Jay H. Samek

Topic 7 - Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Ecosystem Management : Fostering Resilience and Cultural Sustainability

1. Livelihood Strategies in the Context of Tampun Juah Customary Forests, West Kalimantan

Desintha Yuwindha Prahesty

Topic 8 - Policy Integration for Ecosystem Resilience: Bridging Social, Environmental, and Economic Objectives

1. Evaluating the Multiple Aspects of the New Era of Social Forestry in Indonesia

Ary Widiyanto, Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Soni Trison, Subarudi

2. Financial aspects of the estimated impact of tourism on the national economy

Ana Danelia

3. Multi-Business Forestry as a New Paradigm for Production Forest Management in Indonesia: opportunities and challenges

Mangarah Silalahi

4. Plan Implementation of Botanical Garden in University Settings in Developing Countries: Lessons from ITERA Botanical Garden, Indonesia


5. Strategy for Developing Sustainable Tourism Policies to Support the Creative Economy

Endang Puji Astutik