Local knowledge yang dikembangkan di masyarakat saat ini adalah knowledge yang dikembangkan oleh institusi postmodern atau jaman pencerahan. Padahal, sebetulnya masih terdapat jenis pengetahuan lain seperti local knowledge yang tidak dikembangkan oleh institusi baik balai penelitian maupun perguruan tinggi.
Saat ini, dimana kehidupan sudah berubah dengan adanya perubahan iklim dan pandemi, diperlukan pengetahuan baru untuk memecahkan solusi kehidupan. Pengetahuan baru ini sebenarnya bisa diangkat dari pengetahuan lokal yang ada di masyarakat.
Sebagaimana perkataan Albert Einsten, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them,” maka diperlukan solusi baru untuk merubah paradigma saat ini. Melihat fenomena ini, CTSS berusaha menggali pengetahuan lokal untuk dikokreaasikan dengan pengetahuan baru dari masyarakat.
Transdisciplinary is an approach closely associated with addressing complex problems that require input from multiple disciplines and must consider the needs of multiple stakeholders.
A transdisciplinary approach moves beyond just blending disciplines. This approach links concepts, knowledge and perspectives through a real-world context. It requires all of stakeholders to come together to find answers to questions not only and questions they might have about the problems.
Clearly, transdisciplinary approach is a best practice in todays fast growing world. Preparing all of us to solve real world problems and allowing us to authentically create and build ideas, perspectives, and solutions of all problems we have nowdays.
To build transdisciplinary approach, it needs to include multiple disciplines with a human centered goal or global issue. All these pieces need to connect for the objective to make sense.
Sustainable Landscape requires landscape governance. Due to its complexity, establishment of a landscape governance often requires transdisciplinary approaches.
Series of event organized by CTSS mainly for graduate students to collect and to disseminate ideas pertaining to sustainability and transdisciplinary approaches
Redesigning the Future is series of monthly event organized by CTSS for public to collect and to disseminate ideas pertaining to sustainability and transdisciplinary approaches
Series of event organized by CTSS to collect and to disseminate ideas pertaining to transdisciplinary approach which is necessary to establish Indonesian’s cases in transdisciplinary frameworks
Kampus IPB Baranangsiang
Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.27, Tegallega, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16127
Telp: 0251-8365671
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Email: ctss@apps.ipb.ac.id
Mon — Fri: 8.00 AM — 4.00 PM
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