The G20 summit serves as a platform in connecting the 20 world’s largest economies and facilitates international cooperation among countries in resolving global challenges.

The Think20 (T20) is the official engagement group of G20 bringing together leading think tanks and research centers worldwide.

The T20 is in charge of providing G20 leaders with evidence-based policy recommendations to help achieve 9 major global challenges. Thus, T20 consists of 9 task forces.

Task Force 4: Food Security & Sustainable agriculture is co-hosted by the Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS) – IPB University and the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS). Damayanti Buchori, Chair of the Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS), IPB University, is designated as the Lead co-chair of Task Force 4. In addition, the team consists of 8 co-chairs, the coordinators, and the policy brief authors.  More information about the TF4 team can be found on the T20 website:


Task Force 4 is pre-occupied with 10 major policy areas:

  1. Global and inclusive recovery from the pandemic through trade and global value chains in food and agriculture
  2. Increasing agricultural productivity to feed a growing world population
  3. Resilient food systems, sustainable landscape management, and nature-positive agricultural production that adapts to climate change and external shocks
  4. Rethinking agricultural subsidies to directly benefit impoverished farmers and to reduce trade-offs between agriculture and climate change
  5. Reducing food loss and waste in the food systems
  6. Food access, affordability, literacy and sustainable consumption
  7. Land ownership and livelihood of smallholder family farms
  8. Future of farming in a digital and data-driven world, and agriculture market information system
  9. Policies and infrastructure for sustainable small-scale fisheries
  10. Innovative models to finance sustainable agriculture


The Task Force is responsible for developing 15 Policy Briefs that feed into those policy areas. Using the expertise of the co-chairs and the evidence-based recommendations from the policy briefs, the task force is responsible to write the T20 Final Communiqué: policy-recommendations for Food Security & Sustainable agriculture for the policy-makers at the G20 Summit.


Furthermore, CTSS and CIPS have been and will be co-hosting various T20 side-events. These side-events are open to the public and provide space for knowledge dissemination and discussion on various food and agriculture related topics (e.g. food loss and waste, digitalization, smallholder farmers etc.). A multitude of guest speakers are invited such as scientists, policy experts, and social movement activists to think together about how current challenges can best be addressed, exchange knowledge and re-define the global strategy towards sustainable, inclusive, equitable, and resilient food systems.


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