The discussion continues to the input or suggestion stage of the boards. The discussion that resulted from the Board Meeting included the need for socialization and networking within and outside IPB University so that CTSS IPB University could be widely known.

The Center for Sustainable Science and Transdisciplinary Studies (CTSS) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University held an online board meeting, 8/6. The CTSS Board who attended included Dr. Luky Adrianto, Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi, Prof. Dr. Iskandar Z Siregar, Prof. Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, Meinhard Gans M.Sc., Huub Mudde, PhD.
At the beginning of his presentation, Prof. Damayanti Buchori, Head of CTSS IPB University said that CTSS is a center of study to develop the latest sciences about sustainability (the science of sustainability). The science of sustainability (sustainable science) is the science that develops solutions to current problems that combine transdisciplinary social, economic and ecological aspects by incorporating local and traditional wisdom into it.

In addition, several activities have been carried out during 2019 and early 2020. The program implemented in 2019 included Knowledge Platform, Research, Transformational Leadership Training, and Fellowship and Internship.

Knowledge Platform is an activity consisting of a series of discussions divided into three. First, Transdisciplinary Tea Talk (TTT) revolutionary thinking in Sustainability Science. Since the establishment of CTSS IPB University until 2019, there have been 6 TTT discussion activities. Second, the Graduate Student Seminar on Sustainability Sciences (GSMSS) which focuses on sharing information between graduate students and increasing understanding of Sustainability Science which has been carried out four times. Third, Afternoon Discussion on Redesigning the Future (ADReF) which is a discussion that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The research activities carried out by CTSS IPB University include a transdisciplinary approach to peatland restoration and conservation in South Sumatra, The Dying Landscape Index as a new index for landscape sustainability, integrating local knowledge and traditional institutions in sustainable landscape management, landscape management as a unifying concept of maritime development, development of a transdisciplinary methodology for research, analysis of the impact of science and technology, International Seminar Symposium and Co-Creation of Knowledge (3rd times).

Transformational Leadership activities are creating youth leadership for sustainability (collaboration with UGM) 2019, involvement of the private sector in sustainable business in March 2020, and training in environmental leadership in coastal management.

Fellows and Internship activities including at present, there are 23 people from various universities, research institutions, private business entities, collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and CSOs who have a variety of knowledge and experience as well as internships implemented at the end of 2019 until early 2020 (Sara Skorupa).

The discussion continues to the input or suggestion stage of the boards. The discussion that resulted from the Board Meeting included the need for socialization and networking within and outside IPB University so that CTSS IPB University could be widely known. One of the media that can be used for publication is by using newsletter media that are published periodically and improve website performance so that the public knows the existence of CTSS IPB University. Other important discussion results include the development of the Sustainability Index and the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Network.

Going forward, CTSS IPB University is expected to be a pioneer in conceptual sustainability science as well as in practice identifying current problems and finding solutions. (IAAS / NAS).

Article has been release at : IPB News


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