CTSS acts as a “knowledge development hub” that carries out its mission in accordance with co-creation and transdisciplinary principles for sustainability sciences

CTSS Fellows

CTSS Fellows are independent individuals whose passion in sustainability and out of the box ideas provides CTSS with new angles and fresh ideas that will strengthen CTSS in its endeavor to create sustainability sciences and knowledge. CTSS Fellows comes from different universities, research institute, private business entities, NGOs/CSOs and independent scholar/activists with a diversity of knowledge and experiences on the social –ecology-economic as well as biophysics and cultural-political ecology of natural resources management, environment, and business sectors.

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Through CTSS, Fellows can have on the ground experiences as well as build national and international network and find support in their passion for sustainability. We envision that the fellowship will enable them to be a more effective player in their roles as practitioners, researchers, policy makers, mediators and thus creating a critical mass of future leaders on sustainability.

CTSS is still developing its portfolio. In the future, with the growth and evolution of CTSS, we envisage the Fellows’ roles and responsibilities will grow as well. In CTSS, we believe that collaboration and synergy with different stakeholders are key in achieving sustainability. Fellows is our bridge to achieve this goal.

Fellows Opportunities:

Fellows Commitment:

  • Can actively participate in developing the concept of sustainability with a transdisciplinary approach, either through research programs, or community empowerment, education organized by CTSS.
  • Expanding networks through collaboration with fellow fellows, research teams, and various CTSS partners both nationally and internationally.
  • Opportunities to develop skills and professionalism through research, service, and empowerment programs.
  • Can utilize the workspace at CTSS and can use CTSS facilities such as business cards.
  • Willing to use CTSS Fellows affiliation on various occasions such as seminars, publications, research, and other activities.
  • Participate in activities organized by CTSS, such as being a resource person, moderator, reviewer, judge of essay and video competitions, book writing, and researcher.


  • Individuals interested in supporting sustainability concepts with a transdisciplinary approach
  • Collective Learning
  • If you are interested in the CTSS Fellows, please fill up the form below. If you have questions, please send your inquiry to ctss@apps.ipb.ac.id