[Pengumuman] Artikel Ilmiah 2nd ISTAKCOS telah dipublikasi di IOP Earth and Environmental Sciences

Artikel ilmiah yang dikirimkan dalam acara 2nd Internasional Symposium on Transdisciplinarity Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (ISTAKCOS) telah terbit dalam IOP Earth and Environmental Science.
The 2nd International Symposium On Transdisciplinarity Approach For Knowledge Co-Creation In Sustainability

Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences (CTSS) IPB University menggelar The 2nd International Symposium on Transdisciplinarity Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (2nd ISTAKCOS), (3/11) melalui zoom meeting. Simposium internasional ke-dua yang diselenggarakan CTSS tersebut mengangkat tema Understanding Complexity and Transdisciplinarity for Environmental Sustainability.
Artikel Ilmiah 1st ISTAKCOS telah dipublikasi di IOP Earth and Environmental Sciences

Artikel ilmiah yang dikirimkan dalam acara 1st Internasional Symposium on Transdisciplinarity Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (ISTAKCOS) telah terbit dalam IOP Earth and Environmental Science.
Conference on Complex System (NTU-Singapore, 2019) “Satellite Program Number 6: Coupled Human and Nature Systems (CHANS)”

The purpose of the conference satellite was to provide a place for experts to exchange experiences, ideas, stimulating high level knowledge products through expert forum (Transdisciplinary Fellowship for Sustainable Landscape) and conveying strategic knowledge to high level knowledge of international stakeholders.
Simposium Internasional Pertama dalam bidang Sains Keberlanjutan dan Transdisiplin di Indonesia “Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-Creation in Sustainability”

Simposium Internasional pertama dalam bidang Sains Keberlanjutan dan Transdisiplin di Indonesia yang bertajuk “Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-Creation in Sustainability” ini dihadiri oleh peserta dari beragam bidang keahlian dari berbagai institusi perguruan tinggi, kalangan pemerintah, dan organisasi non pemerintah (NGO). Pembicara kunci yang hadir dari Universitas Passau Jerman, UNTAR Malaysia, IPB, Maastricht School of Management […]