Fakhrizal Nashr

Fellow of CTSS for Rural Development and Sustainability

CTSS-Fakhrizal Nashr


+62 812-5408-141

Recent Articles or Essay

Fakhrizal are CEO of PT Permakultur Lanskap Berkelanjutan Indonesia (PLAN B) in the field of Natural Resource Economics and Sustainable Development. He has a Yayasan Komunitas Belajar Indonesia based on Berau District and Yayasan Anak Kampung Cimande on Bogor.


Fakhrizal also competence on Prospective facilitation and ecological socioeconomic research with a focus on natural resource management research and sustainability strategies. Conservation of natural resources on a spatial basis. Development of natural resource management regimes, controlling wildlife hunting and development and rural planning using a positive psychological, appreciative inquiry and collaborative approach.

Full Name

Fakhrizal Nashr


Rural Development, Sustainability, Natural Resource Management, Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), Spatial Planning, Positive Psychology and Change Communication Planning.


 PhD Student, Rural Regional and Development Studies, FEM IPB  PLANB (PT Permakultur Lanskap Berkelanjutan Indonesia, www.planb.co.id )

Office Address

CTSS, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor, West Java