Ground Breaking Joint Collaboration Office CTSS dan MSM Belanda

CTSS-Feature Image_News Post_Ground Breaking Joint Collaboration Office CTSS dan MSM Belanda

Rangkaian groundbreaking diakhiri dengan penanaman pohon oleh Direktur MSM sebagai simbol semangat untuk mempererat hubungan kerja sama antara MSM dengan CTSS. Acara ditutup dengan pemotongan tumpeng dan jamuan makan siang bersama sebagai tanda syukur atas kerjasama dua belah pihak.

1st Graduate Student Monthly Sustainability Seminar “Whose Progress? Ethno Development in Papua”


The standard mode of living as the universal parameter of modern development demonstrates culturalism prone to westernization. AS a result, the marginalization of cultural factors hindering the traditional community to direct the progress independently. Such condition is against the SDG’s leaving no one behind that puts inclusion at the core of sustainability. The ethnographic data of Papua is displayed to illustrate the socioecological contex and the impact of non-inclusive development.

The 1st CTSS National Workshop on Knowledge Co-creation

The 1st CTSS workshop was carried out in 01 November 2018 before the CTSS launching. The purpose of the 1st workshop was to sharpen the domain of the CTSS. We invited various internal and external stakeholders including respresentatives of various centers at IPB.