4th Graduate Student Monthly Sustainable Seminar “Introduction to Transdisciplinarity”
Pendekatan transdisiplin berusaha memahami multi dan multi level realita yang saling terkait melalui ber-empati dengan berbagai metodologi karena tidak bisa mengalami realitia (multi dan multi level) secara bersamaan.
3rd Graduate Student Monthly Sustainable Seminar “Peasants,Extension, Independent: Lesson from the Early History of Agriculture Development in Indonesia”
Sejarah pertanian dinilai penting karena pembangunan pertanian tidak terlepas dari sejarah pertanian itu sendiri. Di samping itu, bahwa petani menjadi inti dalam pembangunan pertanian sehingga tidak ada alasan untuk memarjinalkan para petani.
2nd Graduate Student Monthly Sustainability Seminar “Sustainable Land Allocation”
Sedikitnya ada lima hal yang perlu diperhatikan supaya alokasi lahan berkelanjutan dapat terwujud, yaitu karakteristik lanskap atau lahan, action plan, perencanaan keuangan, implementasi dan monitoring, serta learning dan adaptive management.
1st Graduate Student Monthly Sustainability Seminar “Whose Progress? Ethno Development in Papua”
The standard mode of living as the universal parameter of modern development demonstrates culturalism prone to westernization. AS a result, the marginalization of cultural factors hindering the traditional community to direct the progress independently. Such condition is against the SDG’s leaving no one behind that puts inclusion at the core of sustainability. The ethnographic data of Papua is displayed to illustrate the socioecological contex and the impact of non-inclusive development.